Four Hundred Twenty Five And Fifty Two Hundredths

Four hundred twenty five and fifty two hundredths – In the realm of mathematics, “four hundred twenty-five and fifty-two hundredths” emerges as a number of significance, inviting us to delve into its numerical breakdown, decimal representation, place value, and more. This comprehensive exploration will unravel the multifaceted nature of this number, revealing its mathematical properties, real-world applications, and historical and cultural implications.

1. Numerical Breakdown: Four Hundred Twenty Five And Fifty Two Hundredths

The number “four hundred twenty five and fifty two hundredths” represents the value of 425. 52. It can be broken down into the following component parts:

  • Hundreds: 400
  • Tens: 20
  • Ones: 5
  • Hundredths: 0.02

2. Decimal Representation

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To convert the mixed number “four hundred twenty five and fifty two hundredths” to decimal form, we divide the fractional part (0.52) by the denominator (100) and add the result to the whole number part (425):

425 + (0.52 ÷ 100) = 425.52

3. Place Value

Four hundred twenty five and fifty two hundredths

The place value of each digit in the number “425.52” is as follows:

Digit Place Value
4 Hundreds
2 Tens
5 Ones
. Decimal Point
5 Tenths
2 Hundredths

4. Comparison and Ordering

Four hundred twenty five and fifty two hundredths

Comparing “four hundred twenty five and fifty two hundredths” to other numbers:

  • 425.52 > 425.5
  • 425.52< 426
  • 425.52 > 0.425

5. Mathematical Operations

Addition, Four hundred twenty five and fifty two hundredths

425.52 + 100 = 525.52


425.52 – 50 = 375.52


425.52 × 2 = 851.04


425.52 ÷ 4 = 106.38

6. Real-World Applications

The number “four hundred twenty five and fifty two hundredths” can be encountered in various real-world scenarios:

  • The distance traveled by a car in kilometers
  • The weight of an object in kilograms
  • The temperature in degrees Celsius

FAQ Corner

What is the decimal equivalent of “four hundred twenty-five and fifty-two hundredths”?


What is the place value of the digit ‘5’ in the number “425.52”?


Can you provide an example of a real-world application of the number “four hundred twenty-five and fifty-two hundredths”?

It could represent the distance traveled in kilometers by a car that has covered 425.52 kilometers.

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